Monday, January 26, 2009

Fighting Real Temptations

The prophet said long time ago..........

"Those who are partakers of the divine nature will not give way to temptation. The enemy is working with all his might to overcome those who are striving to live the Christian life. He comes to them with temptations, in the hope that they will yield. Thus he hopes to discourage them. But those who have planted their feet firmly on the Rock of Ages will not yield to his devices. They will remember that God is their Father and Christ their Helper. The Saviour came to our world to bring to every tried, tempted soul strength to overcome even as He overcame. I know the power of temptation; I know the dangers that are in the way; but I know, too, that strength sufficient for every time of need is provided for those who are struggling against temptation." MYP p81

When Jesus taught us to pray He said we should say "And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil"Matthew 6:13.

This is kind of prayer we should not just mention but live.If God is to answer this part of prayer it means that then we should obey the word by not inviting or leading ourselves into temptations.God cannot bless disobedience.

NB--"When the youth attempt to break away from Satan's control, he will redouble his temptations. Taking advantage of their ignorance and inexperience, he attempts to obscure the distinction between right and wrong. He transforms himself into an angel of light, and beguiles by promises of pleasure in a forbidden path. If the youth have formed the habit of following inclination rather than duty, they will find it hard to resist temptation. They do not see the danger in indulging even once in forbidden pleasures. The suggestions of Satan will stir every lingering element of depravity in the heart."--The Signs of the Times, January 19, 1882.

"If you are not experienced in discerning the devices of Satan, your only safety is in prayer." Sons and Daughters of God, p 191.

Jesus said himself "Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation."

But we may be praying and still find ourselves overcome by temptation.Why?

Here is a list of the reasons why we find ourselves overcome by sin

1. Not having Christ in your life.
2. Not keeping your eyes on Christ.
3. Allowing your mind to be diverted from God.
4. Failing to realize the need of a constant dependence upon God.
5. Neglecting prayer.
6. Neglecting silent prayer.
7. Appetite and intemperance are the greatest reasons.-Testimonies, vol 3, p 485
8. Not being faithful in the little things.
9. Doubt.-SC-119
10. Impure thoughts.-PP p459
11. Inward sins.-PK p82
12. Not having a correct knowledge of self. 4Tp246
13. Love of money and earthly treasures.-3T p480
14. Ambition for and love of the world.
15. Love of rank and position.
16. Selfishness.
17. Being self-confident or self-righteous.
18. Unbidden association with worldlings and corruption.MYP p82
19. Inviting temptation.
20. If overcome, is easier to fall again.

"Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. "Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double-minded." James 4:7-8.

Ways on how to resist every temptation are :

1.Knowledge and use of the Scriptures as used by Jesus.-Mathew 4:1-11 i.e by By Christ's example.
2.Obedience to God's word is a shield.
3.Restrict reading to Bible and spiritual books only.-3T p81-2
4.Fully surrender your heart to God.
5.Continual prayer is necessary and essential.-MHp509-10
6.Pray, then firmly resist with every nerve and power.MYPp 248
7.Agonize in prayer.-EW p46
8.Victory over appetite is power to resist all other temptations.3Tp491-2
9.Call and claim divine aid/God's promises.-DAp129
10.Realize own weakness.-DAp382
11.Self knowledge on weak points.-GW p276
12.Unite your weakness with Christ's strength.-MYP p50
13.Strength increases with every victory gained. 5T p183
14.By a godly conversation.
15.Form holy habits of thought.MH p454
16.By faith.-1 John 5:4
17.Practice and spread the present truth.-4T p397
18.Sing praises to God. AH p443
19.Do not reason with it. CH p587
20.Avoid evil associates .-1Corinthians 15:33

"When the first suggestion of wrong is heard, dart a prayer to heaven, and then firmly resist the temptation to tamper with the principles condemned in God's word." SDA Bible Commentary, vol 3, p 1155.

Lastly ....God has given us the promises to claim

1. God will keep you from the hour of.-Revelation 3:10.
2. God gives strength to overcome.-Temperance, p 105.
3. Light from heaven will come as we pray. DAp113; SCp 95.
4. Angels are sent to rescue the faithful. 3Tp47.
5. All can overcome. -1SM, p 226
6. Divine power unites with human power to resist. 4T,p 32-33.
7. Every provision has been made to help. 5T,p 574.
8. God removes for sake of the weak. PKp 255.
9. God will bring truths to memory to combat. GCp 600.
10.All things work together for our good. -Romans 8:28; MHp489.
11.God permits none to come which cannot be resisted. -1 Corinthians 10:13; PPp332.

"Temptation and trial will come to us all, but we need never be worsted by the enemy. Our Saviour has conquered in our behalf. Satan is not invincible. . . . Christ was tempted that He might know how to help every soul that should afterward be tempted. Temptation is not sin; the sin lies in yielding. To the soul who trusts in Jesus, temptation means victory and greater strength."Our High Calling p87

Lets "Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses."-1 Timothy 6:12.

God Bless as we look for that city.

1 comment:

Titus 2 Thandi said...

God bless you brother...have a blessed Sabbath.May you stay on the narrow way.