Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Character of God

The Character of God-

"The Glory of God is His Character!"

He values and loves the individual.
He always focuses out and down to the little others.
He has never disowned us as his children- even though Satan has worked to make us ugly and disgusting.

Agape love, the true alterocentricity, other oriented, finding one's fulfillment and purpose in the other ones, that is God.
He has never been self centered or alone, the Father, Son, and Spirit always looked to and loved each other.

He has utmost respect for the individual and the right of choice that He gave to us-- without which there can never be any true Love or meaningful relationship.
He makes Himself small and pale as it were, so that his creatures can come into a relationship with Him.

Eros pride, which is the root of sin, on the contrary always seeks to become big and powerful and inspire fear and force obedience.
He is the one that is totally realistic, the day to day realities of our lives are meaningful to Him.

Little things, ordinary things, little people all have value with Him.
He is the one self sufficient being in the universe and yet He made Himself dependent-- on His creatures

He has even gone so far as to allow Himself and His government to be put on trial by His creatures
He will do everything He possibly can to save each of us and make us happy in His universe
His law is what holds the universe together-- that law is based on Agape love, His very essence.

Beings that persist in refusing to allow themselves to be brought into harmony with that universal law will at last have to be returned to where they came from-- nothingness.

This is not a tyrannical arbitrary decision on His part- He will have done everything in His power to give them the chance to see His love and if they consent to belong to Him He will use His mighty power to recreate them to fit into His universe.

He does not, however, at any time impose His will on us -He leads He never forces, drags or shoves- That is why we have to constantly ask Him for this changing, each little step in the process is shown to us a bit at a time and we have to agree and ask for it to be done for us- this is so He will never trespass on our freedom of choice.
Sin only leads to suffering & death, we don't always realize that here in this world but it is inevitable.

Death, decay, dissolution follows separation from God's law of life and His mighty power is what holds the universe and us together. He holds together both the good and the wicked at present as He is giving them a chance to choose and time to see the contrast between His government and Satan's ideas.

When Jesus was tortured to death- it was not His suffering that paid the penalty - somehow satisfying God's Justice- No! No! It was Jesus obedience to His Father's will and law that was needed. Satan did the terrible torture in a desperate attempt to force Jesus to violate the Law. He tried everything to force Jesus to retaliate, loose His temper or use His divine power to defend Himself. Satan failed!! Praise Jesus' name!

God makes Himself totally dependent on our decision and He will never use force or anything that takes from us that power of choice. Anything or anyone that uses force or coercion is in Satan's camp, not God's!

Ultimately there comes a time when some persons have had every possible evidence and yet will still be in rebellion and refuse to co-operate with God and then He will heartbrokenly return those ones to the oblivion they came out of.
He will never force anyone to live with Him who doesn't want to. It is not His wish for any to perish but there is no universe out there that can support life that is not in harmony with the life giver.

Satan cannot support even his own life- all his kingdom is is a fabrication of lies and fantasies- there is no reality to it- the reality is this- only those beings that are in harmony with God and His law can continue to exist- things out of harmony will ultimately perish. There is no problem for God to recreate - the same power that created us and sustains us will change us- but only with our full approval, co-operation and permission.

That is our God! That is the kind of God He is-- And that kind of God I can love forever!


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